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There are many other massage techniques therapists use in combination with traditional forms of massage therapy. Your licensed therapist will discuss your specific needs and create a customized therapy plan which may include some of these add-on modalities.

Additional Therapies
photo of Donnie Shim using a cupping technique on an athlete's shoulder to reduce inflamation and promote faster healing.


Cupping is an ancient healing therapy in which a licensed therapist places cups on various parts of your body depending on where the issues are. The cups can be made of glass, bamboo, ceramic, metal, silicone or plastic.


When placed on the skin the cup creates a vacuum or suction forcing the skin to pull upward drawing fluid into the suctioned area. This suction forces tiny blood vessels under the skin to break open and tricks your body into treating the area like an injury, sending more blood to the area to stimulate the natural healing process. The theory behind cupping is that it clears the pores and releases toxins.


What are the benefits of cupping?


Many individuals believe cupping helps in the discomfort of many pain management issues. One study found that cupping relieved the symptoms of osteoarthritis, relieving pain, edema, stiffness, and disability. Researchers likened the effects to taking 650mg of acetaminophen three times a day. 



What can I expect after cupping?


Since the point of cupping is to break blood vessels and bring toxins to the surface you can expect some bruising at the site. Depending on the severity of the issue the bruising may take anywhere from one to two days to a few weeks to heal. 


As with all trauma you can expect to feel varying degrees of itching, stinging, and soreness throughout the healing process is. This is completely normal. However, there are certain circumstances when a medical professional should be consulted. Call immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


  • Burning

  • Extreme soreness

  • Fever


Khan AA, Jahangir U, Urooj S. Management of knee osteoarthritis with cupping therapy. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2013;4(4):217-223. doi:10.4103/2231-4040.121417

MLA:Khan, Asim Ali et al. “Management of knee osteoarthritis with cupping therapy.” Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research vol. 4,4 (2013): 217-23. doi:10.4103/2231-4040.121417

APA:Khan, A. A., Jahangir, U., & Urooj, S. (2013). Management of knee osteoarthritis with cupping therapy. Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research, 4(4), 217–223.

NLM:Khan AA, Jahangir U, Urooj S. Management of knee osteoarthritis with cupping therapy. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2013 Oct;4(4):217-23. doi: 10.4103/2231-4040.121417. PMID: 24350053; PMCID: PMC3853699.


Active Release Therapy (ART)

Active Release Techniques (ART) are different methods used to relieve tissue tension by removing fibrosis/adhesions, which can develop after continued, repetitive use of the muscles. Muscular weakness, numbness, aching, tingling, and burning sensations are symptoms you may experience as a result of overuse.


Used to treat the soft tissues its purpose is to:


  • Restore free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissues

  • Release entrapped nerves

  • Re-establish optimal function of soft tissues


How does ART work?


After discussing your concerns with a therapist they'll manually apply degrees of pressure to address your injuries. Your licensed therapist will apply deep tension at the area of tenderness while instructing you to actively move the injury site back and forth, in and out of position. This can be very painful. If you do not have a high tolerance for pain let your therapist know in advance as this may not be the right technique to treat your injury.


The results of ART vary, but have shown to increase performance of power, strength, and flexibility, particularly in athletes.



Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Used as another form of soft tissue manipulation, this therapy involves the introduction of an instrument typically made of stainless steel with bevelled edges and contours allowing for deeper penetration along different parts of the body. Also known as scraping, this technique works in the same way as cupping, breaking the blood vessels to allow the release of blood to the injured area to promote healing. 


As with cupping, you can expect the same bruising to occur and should resolve in a few days.

CBD-Infused Sports Massage


Whether you're an athlete recovering from injuries or striving to excel at peak performance, this innovative approach could be your game-changer.


Unveiling the CBD Advantage


In recent years, CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained significant attention in the athletic community for its potential benefits in recovery and performance optimization. Athletes have been exploring CBD's unique advantages to help them overcome injuries, reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance overall well-being.


Enhanced Pain Relief: CBD has shown remarkable analgesic properties, making it a natural choice for athletes dealing with sore muscles and injuries. When incorporated into a sports massage, CBD works in synergy with skilled hands to provide deep pain relief.


Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a common consequence of intense physical activity. CBD's anti-inflammatory effects complement the increased blood circulation induced by massage, promoting faster healing and recovery.


Stress and Anxiety Management: Athletes often face high levels of stress and anxiety. CBD's calming effects can help manage these psychological challenges, enabling better focus and mental resilience.


Improved Sleep Patterns: Quality sleep is essential for recovery and peak performance. CBD may promote better sleep, allowing athletes to achieve the restorative rest they need.



Synergy of Science and Expertise


Our CBD-infused sports massage sessions combine the science-backed benefits of CBD with the expertise of our skilled massage therapists. We believe in a holistic approach to athlete recovery and performance enhancement, and CBD plays a pivotal role in achieving that balance.


Compliance and Guidance


It's important to note that the use of CBD in sports is subject to regulations and restrictions depending on the sport and governing bodies. We always advise athletes to consult with their healthcare professionals and comply with relevant guidelines when considering CBD as part of their recovery strategy.

Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that targets the craniosacral system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. In this section, we'll delve into the benefits of this subtle yet powerful therapy and how it can complement your overall wellness.


This form of therapy employs a range of gentle and precise techniques to address imbalances in the craniosacral system. Practitioners use a method called "listening" to tune into the subtle rhythms of the cerebrospinal fluid, identifying areas of restriction or tension. Delicate holds and subtle adjustments are then applied to release these restrictions, facilitating improved cerebrospinal fluid flow and restoring balance. The therapy also incorporates cranial and sacral holds to gently manipulate the cranial bones and sacrum, promoting relaxation and alleviating pain and stress. Overall, the hallmark of craniosacral therapy is its gentle, non-invasive nature, making it suitable for individuals of all ages, including infants.


The Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy


Pain Relief and Stress Reduction: Craniosacral therapy can help alleviate chronic pain conditions and reduce stress. Research from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has shown its efficacy in managing pain and enhancing relaxation.


Improved Mental Clarity: By releasing tension in the craniosacral system, this therapy can improve mental clarity and cognitive function. Many individuals report enhanced focus and better mental well-being after sessions.

Enhanced Immune Function: Craniosacral therapy may boost the immune system by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. A relaxed body is better equipped to fight off illnesses.

Neuromuscular Massage


Neuromuscular massage is a specialized technique that targets trigger points, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort. In this section, we'll explore how this therapeutic approach can be a valuable tool in addressing neuromuscular issues.


Often referred to as trigger point therapy, it utilizes precise techniques to target trigger points—areas of muscle tension and pain. Therapists apply deep pressure to these trigger points to release muscle knots and improve blood circulation to the affected area. Additionally, stretching and manipulation techniques are incorporated to enhance joint mobility and flexibility. Cross-fiber friction is another technique used to break down adhesions and scar tissue in the muscles. These focused techniques, combined with expert knowledge of muscular anatomy, allow neuromuscular massage therapists to effectively address chronic pain conditions, reduce discomfort, and promote overall well-being.


Key Benefits of Neuromuscular Massage


Pain Management: Neuromuscular massage is particularly effective in managing chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, and myofascial pain syndrome. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology highlights its potential in reducing pain intensity.


Improved Range of Motion: By releasing trigger points and muscle tension, neuromuscular massage can enhance joint mobility and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for athletes and those recovering from injuries.


Enhanced Circulation: This therapy promotes blood flow to affected areas, aiding in the healing process. Improved circulation can accelerate recovery from injuries and surgery.

Myofascial Release Massage


Myofascial release massage focuses on the fascia, a connective tissue that plays a crucial role in our mobility and well-being. In this section, we'll explore how this specialized therapy can alleviate pain and enhance your overall quality of life.


Therapists employ slow, sustained pressure to stretch and release the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and organs, alleviating pain and enhancing mobility. "Direct myofascial release" involves applying pressure to specific points or areas of tension to release fascial restrictions. In contrast, "indirect myofascial release" encourages the fascia to release itself by using gentle holds and stretches. These techniques aim to restore optimal fascial health, improve posture, and reduce pain. Myofascial release massage is characterized by its unhurried, deliberate approach, allowing therapists to work deeply yet gently to achieve lasting results.


Benefits of Myofascial Release Massage


Pain Relief: Myofascial release massage is renowned for its effectiveness in relieving chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). It can significantly reduce pain intensity, as demonstrated in a study from the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.


Improved Posture: By releasing fascial restrictions, this therapy can improve posture and alignment. Individuals often experience increased comfort and mobility after sessions.


Enhanced Relaxation: Myofascial release massage promotes relaxation and stress reduction. It can help individuals unwind both physically and mentally, leading to improved overall well-being.

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